15 Useful Online HTML Editors for Web Developers

Online HTML editors makes it easy and fast to create HTML markup directly on a website or without installing an HTML editor. Creating HTML markup is the most essential part of publishing content online. For programmers, HTML is rather simple, and easy to learn, but...

15 Cool jQuery Modal Plugins

There are many situations where jQuery modal plugins can be useful for guiding the visitors focus to a specific piece of content. Basically a modal window is a kind of pop-up window that have been embedded into a web page and therefore appears without the need for a...

10+ Online coding tools for making social coding possible

Have you ever heard about online coding tools, browser based IDEs, social coding, collaborative development and pair programming? If not you need to sit tight and read on, this may very well be the future, and just as office tools moved to the cloud with Google Docs...

12 Intensive HTML5 Infographics

HTML5 is not a new phenomenon any more, but it is still far from a finished standard. It is like everyone is talking about the exciting new features and possibilities the standard brings to web developers; and for a reason! In this context, we have decided to bring an...

15 Great Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

Responsive jQuery slider plugins are great for adding slider effects to responsive websites and templates. As you will see below there are some really good options available. Lately responsive web design have been one of the most talked about and hot topics and it is...

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